Hataraku Maou-sama! [はたらく魔王さま!] is an upcoming anime series based on Satoshi Wagahara's light novel series. The anime adaption will be directed by Hosada Naoto [細田直人] (Mirai Nikki, Koe de Oshigoto!) with animation production by White Fox [ホワイトフォックス] (Katanagatari, Jormungand).
Hataraku Maou-sama! will premiere on Tokyo MX in April 2013.
The Demon King Sadao is just one step away from conquering the world of Ente-Isla when he is defeated by a hero and instead sent into modern day Tokyo. There he is forced to pick up part time jobs as his skills in conquering the world just don't seem to be paying the bills. It also seems that the Hero Emilia has come to Japan in an attempt to track down the Demon King, but instead she ends up becoming a company employee.
Sadao and Emilia both seem to be living relatively normal lives in Tokyo now, but that's sure to change if they ever happen to come across each other...
Main Characters
- Emi Yusa [遊佐恵美] played by Hikasa Yoko [日笠陽子]
- Maou Sadao [真奥貞夫] played by Ohsaka Ryota [逢坂良太]
- Ashiya Shirou [芦屋四郎] played by Ono Yuuki [小野友樹]
- Sasaki Chiho [佐々木千穂] played by Toyama Nao [東山奈央]
You can find out more over at the official character page.
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If the PV was eaten by YouTube, try this search query to try and find a replacement.
The OP theme will be ZERO!! by Kuribayashi Minami [栗林みな実] and the ED theme will be performed by nano.RIPE.
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These screenshots all comes from the PV seen above.
These are some magazine scans from Dengeki Bunko and New Type - you can find a higher resolution scans over at danbooru.
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