K is an original animation project created by the GoRA, 7 masked authors, who have carefully drawn up a story that includes the unique writing ability of each of the 7 members. The animation is done by 'GoHands' [ゴーハンズ] , the same studio behind Mardock Scramble. The show is directed and features character designs by Shingo Suzuki [鈴木信吾], and features music from Mikio Endo (Guilty Honey) and animation direction by Makoto Furuta (Seitokai Yakuiindomo)
K begins airing 2012/10/05 1:30AM JST on MBS.
The story is set in a slightly different modern day Japan where there are 7 Kings, each with their own feuds and alliances. A young high-school student, Isana Yashiro, somehow finds himself involved in a battle between people with unbelievable powers.
Main Characters
- Isana Yashiro [伊佐那社] voiced by Namikawa Daisuke [浪川大輔]
- Yatogami Kuroh [夜刀神狗朗] voiced by Ono Daisuke [小野大輔]
- Neko [ネコ] voiced by Komatsu Mikako [小松未可子]
- Suoh Mikoto [周防尊] voiced by Tsuda Kenjiro [津田健次郎]
- Munakata Reisi [宗像礼司] voiced by Sugita Tomokazu [杉田智和]
If the videos above were eaten, try this search query for the PVs and this query for the commercial on YouTube.
The OP is KINGS by angela which will be available 2012/10/24. You can have a listen in the video below. The ED is Tsumetai Heya, Hitori [冷たい部屋、一人] by Komatsu Mikako [小松未可子]
There is also loads of K goodies to check out on the official website.
Me and King Records (the folks handling the release of K) at Anime Festival Asia Indonesia on stage talking about K ^^;