Seasons greetings! Tis Christmas in Japan today and I think all the clocks have turned and should be the 25th where you are too?
What are you doing today? Back in the UK many many maaaaany moons ago, the table in our kitchen would be filled with snacks from Tescos and I would be at home with mum watching Home Alone for the 47th time.
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Today wifey and I went to Harajuku for a bit. Now back home cleaning up and relaxing at the same time. I'm multitasking preparing data for the American and Asian broadcast of Culture Japan Season 2, cleaning up while prepping these posts.
Rest of the photos from my girls wishing you a Merry Christmas!
2nd daughter Aoi-chan.
6th and youngest daughter Yuki-chan.
5th daughter Karin-chan.
3rd daughter Nanoha-chan.
4th daughter Ryomo-chan.
Eldest daughter Saber-chan.
Gussuma Seijin joins in on the festivities.
All photos taken on the Sony NEX-5N.
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