Moekana [萌え仮名] is the start of the Japanese learning series brought to you by the Culture Japan label. It features the artwork of Ikkyuu-san where Mirai Suenaga, Haruka Suenaga and Kanata Hoshikawa will first teach us Hiragana.
Moekana will be released as a deck of cards where you can also play the Japanese game "Karuta" [かるた].
I was thinking of sticking Katakana in the same pack but that would raise costs and production time of the first pack so decided to do Hiragana first. This means that I need to remove any Katakana and odd ones from this first pack.
The ones which we need to replace are:-
#Ke for ke-ki [ケーキ] (cake)
#Chi for chochin [ちょうちん] (lantern)
#To for tokyo tawa [東京タワー] (Tokyo Tower)
#Mu for mune [むね] (breasts)
#Ra for Randoseru [ランドセル] (randsel)
#Ri for Ribbon [リボン] (ribbon)
#Ru for Rubi [ルビー] (ruby)
#Re for Ressa Panda [レッサーパンダー] (Red Panda)
#Ro for Robotto [ロボット] (Robot)
Do you have any ideas as to what I can use for these? I'd love to keep Mune (oppai) in there but probably not good idea for mass distribution ^^;
And which is your fave Moekana illustration?